Home>>> Fishing>>> When does the fish bite better? Intensity and rhythm of fish nutrition

When does the fish bite better? Intensity and rhythm of fish nutrition

When does the fish bite better? Intensity and rhythm of fish nutrition

Many experienced amateur anglers have repeatedly noted that the fish eats with varying intensity throughout the year. So, Sabaneev wrote: «One thing is certain — that most of the fish are fed, and therefore they take on fishing rods periodically. After a period of intensive nutrition lasting about a week, the fish seems to rest for a much longer time, and if it takes, it is very rarely, sluggishly and reluctantly. These periods are different for different fish».

This assumption of Sabaneyev was confirmed. Scientists have found out that the intensity of fish nutrition during the year is not constant, periods of increased nutrition alternate with periods of weakened nutrition, and each type of fish has its own rhythm of nutrition. In addition to the annual, the diurnal rhythm of nutrition is well expressed in fish, each type of fish feeds intensively at a certain time of the day (only during the day, at dusk, at night). Here are some examples of daily and annual rhythms of nutrition in the most common fish in the central strip of our Homeland.

The most intensive feeding of pike is observed in spring and summer. In May, about 23-25% of the food consumed per year is consumed, in July — 24-26% and in autumn (end of September — October) — 20%. In winter, the intensity of nutrition is low. During the day, the pike actively feeds 2 times: in the morning from 2 to 5 hours and in the evening from 17 to 21 hours. Anglers believe that the intensity of pike feeding depends on the change of teeth, that is, they explain periods of poor nutrition with a change of teeth. However, the change of teeth is not timed to any particular time, but occurs continuously throughout the year. For example, in May, the number of missing teeth reaches an average of 60%, and despite this, the pike feeds intensively. Thus, tooth loss and related painful phenomena do not have a decisive effect on pike nutrition.

The period of intensive nutrition of walleye falls in spring and autumn. In May, about 20% of the food consumed per year is consumed, in July — 18% and in September — 20%. The pike perch is a twilight-nocturnal predator, during the day it feeds more intensively during the hours of sunrise (2-3 hours. in the morning) and sunset (21-23 hours). Food in the morning, afternoon and evening hours is insignificant. In the cold season — from October to March — the pike perch almost does not eat.

Burbot refers to cold-loving fish. He eats more intensively in autumn (October — November), when he consumes about 50% of the annual diet, and in spring (April) — 15-20%. Burbot is a twilight-nocturnal predator, well caught in the dark. Burbot does not feed in summer.

The period of the most active nutrition catfish falls in spring (May — early June). During this time, he consumes about 70-75% of the food eaten in a year. Catfish leads a twilight lifestyle.

More intensively asp feeds in summer (June — July), when it eats about 45% of the annual food, and in autumn (late August, September, October) — about 40%. It feeds mainly in the morning and evening hours.

Perch in May — June consumes about 30-35% and in September — 20% of the annual diet. During the day, he mainly feeds in the morning and evening.

Roach eats about 30% in summer (June) and 20% of the annual diet in autumn (September). The roach does not have a pronounced diurnal feeding rhythm, but it feeds more actively in the pre-dawn (from 2 to 4), morning (from 8 to 10) and afternoon (from 16 to 20) hours.

Bream feeds mainly in May, consuming about 35%, and in July — about 30% of the annual diet. The daily intensive nutrition falls at noon.

Ide consumes about 20-25% in June and 20% of the annual diet in August. The daily rhythm is not pronounced, as it feeds evenly from dawn to dark.

Ruff feeds all year round, but intensively in spring. In May, it consumes about 25%, in July — 20% and in October — 15% of the annual diet. During the day, it feeds mainly in the morning, night and evening hours.

Tench feeds from May to October. The daily rhythm of tench nutrition has not been studied.

The most active feeding of carp falls in July. The daily rhythm of its nutrition has not been studied.

Some researchers associate the frequency in fish nutrition with changes in various environmental factors, both external (water temperature, oxygen content, lighting, pressure, etc.) and internal, physiological (the rate of digestion of food, the fat content of fish, etc.). Others believe that the rhythm of fish nutrition is primarily determined by the presence and the composition of the feed.

One of the most important factors affecting the nutrition of fish is the water temperature. The body temperature of the fish is close to the environment and changes with the change in water temperature. Each species of fish feeds in a certain temperature zone. The intensity of metabolism and, consequently, the amount of food consumed depends on the temperature of the water. However, studies have shown that even at relatively constant summer water temperatures, there is a pronounced rhythm of fish nutrition.

In the fishing literature, it is often suggested that atmospheric pressure, wind, rain affect the biting of fish. But we have not found a single work in either domestic or foreign literature that proves the influence of atmospheric pressure on nutrition, metabolism and other aspects of fish life. Obviously, minor differences in atmospheric pressure values (about 0.06 atmospheres) do not have a noticeable effect on the behavior of fish. A drop in atmospheric pressure is usually accompanied by the appearance of clouds, wind and precipitation. At the same time, the illumination of the water decreases by about 8-10 times. Such a sharp change in illumination undoubtedly affects the behavior of fish and, to some extent, the intensity of their nutrition, since each species of fish feeds at a certain illumination (the daily rhythm of fish nutrition). The wind itself can also have a minor effect, but only in exceptional cases, that is, when the fish is kept in the uppermost layers of water.

The assumption of some anglers that fish do not feed during the rainy season is incorrect. During the rains, waters rich in organic substances flow into the reservoir, contributing to the rapid development of phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos — the main natural food, fish. Therefore, the bite weakens somewhat.

The frequency in the diet of fish, noticed by anglers, was the cause of various signs. For example, amateur anglers associate the time of the best fish biting with some natural phenomena (cherry blossoms, the arrival of birds, the appearance of insects, etc.), but very often the signs do not justify themselves. Knowledge of the rhythm of fish nutrition will help anglers to learn more about the life of fish in the pond, their biology and behavior.

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